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Soal Ulangan b.Inggris x Kd1v3

Written By Sabar darono on Sabtu, 07 April 2012 | 08.07

The light of the Milky Way is the combined light a billions of stars … (41) have discovered than there are quantities of gases and dust spread on among the stars of the Milky Way . Most of the gases are …(42) but gases of other chemical element are also found. The particles of the dust at extremely … (43). They may come from gases or they may here blown away from certain stars.
41.    a.   astrologers
b.    astronomers
c.    astronauts
d.    scientists
e.    fortunetellers

42.    a.   hydrogent
b.    oxygen
c.    octane
d.    carbon
e.    carbondioxide

43.    a.   tiny
b.    rough
c.    fine
d.    abundant
e.    enormous

44.    The teachers should not only educate students, but also enforce discipline.
         The underlined word means ….
a.    Improve
b.    Compel obedience to
c.    Maximize the quality
d.    Establish
e.    Allow

45.    Waste water or sewage is a menace to health because it usually contains panthogens and other substances that may  contaminate food and drinking water.
a.    benefit
b.    advantages
c.    danger or threat
d.    effect
e.    possession

46.     She likes doing the …. Such as washing, cleaning, ironing, cooking, etc.
a.    homework
b.    household
c.    job
d.    assignment
e.    duties


47.    Mother usually reminds us to put on our …
         before going to bed
a.    pyjamas
b.    suit
c.    coat
d.    sweater
e.    uniform

48.    Many residents in this area are suffering from diarrhoea and skin decease because of bad …
a.    ventilation
b.    sanitation
c.    population
d.    medical treatment
e.    education

49.    Sooner or later the flood will take place if the people still … the rubbish in the river.
a.    pick up
b.    throw away
c.    escape from
d.    put away
e.    send away

50.    One of the solutions to minimize the drop-outs by campaigning … program;  especially for the poor.
a.    education is for all
b.    long-life education
c.    student exchange
d.    foster parents
e.    family planning

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