Sat. Pendidikan : SMA
Kelas / Program : XI ( Sebelas ) IPA – IPS
1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja
3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban
4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

Soal :
Text 1
Read this text, then answer questions 1 to 5.
Yesterday Irfan went to Lampung. He wanted to visit his sister. On the ferry he met Mr. Lukman who used to be a captain of the ship. He used the chance to know more about a ship and its captain, here is their conversation.
Irfan : Could you tell me a bit about the captain’s job ?
Mr. Lukman : The captain is in command of the ship, and he is responsible for every one on board. On the ship’s bridge he talks in to a speaking tuber or a microphone to give orders to his men, such as deck officers and the chief engineer. Deck officers take turns standing on the ship’s bridge. From the bridge they steer the ship, watch the sea. They also check instruments and chart.
Irfan : And how docs a ship leave the harbour ?
Mr. Lukman : A boat called tug boat pulls the ship from the shore to the open sea. After that the captain orders : full speed a head. In the engine room the chief engineer and his men speed up the engines. They make sure that the engine work right.
Irfan : And how to know information ?
Mr. Lukman : There are radio men in the ship. They keep in touch with people on land by sending and receiving messages. There are also telephone operators. They take care of telephone calls from cabin to cabin on the ship. The operators can connect calls from the ship to for away parts of the world.
1. Who did Irfan talk with on the ferry ?
a. an ex-captain of the ship
b. the captain of the ship
c. the captain of the ferry
d. the deck officers
e. the radio men
2. The deck officers do the following things, except …..
a. watching the sea and the sky
b. checking the instrument
c. checking the chart
d. pulling the ship away
e. steering the ship
3. “Full speed ahead”, is the captain’s order directed to …..
a. his chief engineers
b. his deck officers
c. his operators
d. his tug boats
4. Which is not true according to the text ?
a. certain passangers may steer the ship
b. deck officers take turn watching the ship
c. the chief engineer speed up the engines
d. telephone operators can connect calls from parts of the world
e. people on the ship can municate with people on land
5. The text shows us that Irfan …..
a. is interested in ship
b. wants to be a captain
c. knows Mr. Lukman before
d. has known very much about ship
e. fell boring during his traveling
Text 2
This text is for questions 6 to 12.
Once up on a time, the is reclites were at war with the philistines. The leader of the philistines was a giant named goliath, who was three metres tall. A spear was slong across his shoulders and a heavy sword hung from a belt around his waist. Goliath challenged the israclites to send a leader to fight with him. “if he can kill me, we shall be your slaves,” he boasted.
“But if I kill him, then you shald be our slaves.”
No one except a young shepherd boy dared volunteer to fight goliath. The shepherd boy’s name was David. He was armed with only a shing.
When goliath saw David, he laughed, “what?”are you the only one they can send to fight with me ? why, I will tear you apart and feed you the birds ! “Then he charged at David with his sword. Calmly, David took a stone, put it on his hing and took careful ain at the giant’s eyes.
The stone struck goliath and he fell to the ground. David freed his people from the terror of goliath.
7. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this kind of text ? To …..
a. entertain the readers
b. tell a story of giant
c. inform an event in the past
d. tell the terror of the leader of the philistines
e. report the war between the is raclites and philistine
8. What is the type of the text ?
a. report
b. narrative
c. description
d. procedure
e. recount
9. Who dared to fight the leader of the philistines ?
a. a giant
b. goliath
c. David
d. a have
e. people
10. What did David use to defeat the leader of the philistines ?
a. a spear
b. a sward
c. a shing
d. a stone
e. a belt
11. “But if I kill him, then you shall be our slaves.” The word “you” refers to …..
a. David
b. the volunteers
c. the philistines
d. the Israelites
e. a shepperd boy
12. “David took goliath’s sword and slew him with it.” Slew means …..
a. cut
b. tore
c. struct
d. fought
e. killed
Text 3
This text is for questions 13 to 17.
Flowers are the parts of a seed plant that contain the organs concerned with sexual reproduction, including ovary and stamens. These reproduction structures are usually associated with sterile outher structures that protect them and attact insects or birds who help the process of fertilization. Some flowers have special scents which can attract insects to come.
Flowers basically have four parts : petals, sepals, stamens and pistils. Most petals are in bright colour, or sometimes green, as green as sepals. Stamens are the male reproductive organs, which arise within the petals. They vary in number, from one to hundreds per flower. Pistils are the female organs of reproduction, they vary in structures.
13. What is the function of sterile outher structures ?
a. they have special scents
b. they attract insencts or birds
c. they protect ovary and staments
d. they contain sexual-reproduction
e. they help the process of fertilization
14. What are the male organs of refroduction …..
a. petals
b. sepals
c. pistils
d. staments
e. ovary
15. Why do sterile outer structures attract insect or bird ? To …..
a. protect them
b. vary in structures
c. give their scent
d. help the process of fertilization
e. provide some plowers with special
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