soal ulangan bahasa inggris kelas xi bag 14
Kelas / Program : XI
Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban
yang disediakan
Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti
sebelum Anda bekerja
Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban
Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien
5. Periksalah
pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

Read the
text carefully and answer the questions!
Text 1
A young
student was walking in the woods when he heard a small voice calling him. He
looked all around, but could not see anyone. The voice called out again, and
appear to come from the roots of an enormous oak tree. There, the student found
a bottle, in which there was a tiny man who begged, “Let me out”.
So the
student removed the cork, and a cloud of smoke emerged and grew into a
frightening giant.
“I am a
genie,” said the giant, and I was imprisoned in the bottle by magician. But now
that I am freed, prepare to meet your end”.
“Wait a
minute,” said the young man. I don’t believe one word you have said. A giant of
your size could not have really come out of that little bottle. You could never
forget into it”.
course I can,” said the genie, “I’ll prove it to you”. As soon as the genie
returned to the bottle, the young man replaced the cork. The next time, in
order to get free, the spirit had to make a bargain with the student: not only
would it refrain from killing him, but it had also to give him a dagger which
turned into gold everything it touched, and healed all wounds. And afterwards,
thanks to that magic dagger, the student brcame a rich and famous doctor . …
1. The type of the text above is ….
a. narrative b. description c. anecdote
d. report
e. procedure
2. The characters in the text above
are ….
a. The student and the
b. The giant and the
The magician and the genie
- The
magician and the student
- The
doctor and the student
3. The story take place in ….
a. oak
b. the woods
c. doctor’s room
d. imprisoned
e. a bottle
4. The
word ‘I’ in: “I don’t believe on word …” (paragraph 4) refers to ….
a. genie
b. famous
c. young
d. magician
e. magic
Text 2
.At the
birth of the Indonesian nation in 1945, Australia
and Indonesia
shared a positive and friendly relationship. In 1947 Australia
supported Indonesia ’s
struggle for independency by placing embargoes on Dutch supplies, arms and
troops. Australian dock workers went on strike and significant numbers of
Australians demonstrated in the streets in support of Indonesian independence.
The Dutch were unable to ship supplies through Australian ports during this
Much of
the support Australians gave to Indonesia
was based on friendship that developed between Australian soldiers and the
Indonesian people at the end of the Second World War. There was also a strong
anti-imperialist mood among some sections of the Australian population at that
time. It is a significant that Australia
supported her Asian neighbours against a European colonial power.
5. The passage above is about ….
the early friendship between Indonesia and Australia
b. the influence of the Second World War on Indonesia and Australia
c. A strong anti-imperialist mood
d. the relationship between
Australian soldiers and Indonesian people
e. the dutch were unable to
ship supplies through Australion ports
6. What is the meaning of “embargo?”
a. permission
b. demonstration
c. prohibition
d. shipping
e. aligment
7. Indonesia and Australian shared
positive and …. relationship at the birth of the Indonesia nation.
a. clear
b. friendly
c. friendship
d. significant
e. long
8. Australia did the following to support Indonesia ,
except ….
a. placing
embargoes to Dutch supplies
demonstrating in the streets
going in strike and significant
- shipping Dutch supplies through
Australian ports
e. support dutch to
supplies through Australian ports
Text 3
plants need water to grow. They get this water from the soil. In some places
nature supplies all the water that is needed. But in other places people must
find ways to supplement nature’s supply. The system of supplying water to
ensure proper growth of plants and to increase the field of crops is called
The use
of irrigation is one of the most important practices ever developed. Only about
15 % of the world’s farmland is irrigated. But the irrigated land supplies a
large percentage of the world’s food supply. Irrigation is a practiced on every
continent except Antarctica .
is used to supplement rainfall. Even in humid areas, irrigation is needed to
grow certain crops. For example, rice-fields must be flooded until harvest
9. Where do the plants get water from?
a. the soil
b. the rain fall
c. humid areas
d. the flood
e. Antarctica
10. The main purpose of irrigation is ….
a. to
absorb water
b. to grow certain
c. to obtain water for a
d. to store water
e. to make plants grow
11. Which of the following
statement is true according to the text?
a. Irrigation is used in
addition to rainfall
b. Nature supplies all the water everywhere
c. In the rainy season we don’t need irrigation
d. All the world’s
farmland use irrigation
e. Irigation is well developed in Antarctica
12. The second paragraph is about ….
a. the use of irrigation
b. the world’s food supply
c. how to irrigate rice-field
d. the importance of agriculture practice
e. the ways to supplement nature’s supply
13. Even in humid
areas, irrigation is needed to grow certain crops.
The underlined word means ….
a. damp
b. dry
c. wet
d. hard
e. soft
14. “The practice of
supplying water to ensure proper growth ….” (paragraph 2)
The synonym of the word proper is …..
a. true
b. safe
c. effective
d. good
e. right
Text 4
are very popular flowers. The most common roses are red and white roses. In
some places, there are purple and black roses. A rose has thorn on its stem.
Jasmine is also popular flower. It is much smaller and has only a white color.
Jasmine is used for materials and ornaments for various needs and occasion.
Dahlia is much bigger than a rose. It has more petals and looks more solid. It
usually has a dark red color. Sunflowers are the biggest of all. The petals are
longer and more pointed. They also have longer stems and they are mostly yellow
in colour. Another popular name for the sunflower is chrysanthemum.
15. The text above is mainly
talks about _______
a. roses
b. jasmine
c. colour
d. flowers
e. sunflowers
16. The text describe many
colours for _______
a. roses
b. jasmine
c. ornaments
d. flowers
e. sunflowers
What is the smallest size of all flowers according to the text?
a. roses
b. jasmine
c. dahlias
d. flowers
e. sunflowers
18. What is the type of the above text ?
a. narrative
b. descriptive
c. report
d. recount
e. anecdote
access and e-commerce in Australia
remains inequitable, with disabled and older people facing many barriers to
participation in the electronic age. The barriers include the physical design
of facilities, the cost of internet access and the design of interactive
voice-response systems. The Human rights and Equal Opportunity Commission’s
report on electronic commerce said that technology’s great potential for
increasing access was not being realized.
commission emphasized that electronic facilities needed improvement. The design
of ‘advanced’ ATMs had made them harder for blind people to use, compared with
earlier models. Machines that once had buttons now relied on screen displays,
for instance. The commission also suggested that students with disabilities
needed particular attention when educational material was provided in
electronic form.
19. What is the main topic of passage above?
a. the
internet access and e-commerce in Australia
b. the
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
c. the
barriers faced by disabled and older people using electronic facilities
d. the
cost of internet access and design of voice-response system
e. the
improvement of electronic facilities in Australia
20. Why is it difficult for
blind people to use ATMs now? Because ….
a. ATMs
use interactive voice-response system
Technology’s great potential for
increasing access was not being realized
- ATMs that once had buttons now relied on
screen displays
- The earlier designs were more advanced
- Electronic facilities needed improvement
21. Internet access and
e-commerce in Australia remains inequitable,with disabled and older people facing ….
(paragraph 1)
The word disabled bold
means ….
a. skilled
b. honored
c. handicapped
d. injured
e. treated
What is the synonym of the word equal
on the first paragraph?
a. the
the models
the ability
d. the same
e. the strength
Text 6
young man and very beautiful princess lost her ball in the water while she was
playing by the side of a lake. She began to cry so sadly that the frog who sat
beside the lake croacked to her, “What will you give me
if I get you your ball back?”
“All the
gold you could wish for!” said the princess. “No, I ask only I’ll be allowed to
stay with you and be your friend,” said the frog. The princess gave her word
(what did such a promise cost her if it meant she could have her ball back she
ran off so fast that the frog could not keep up with her. Nevertheless, after a
while the frog arrived at the place.
soon as she saw the frog, the princess was frightened. She ran to ask for help
from her father, but the king, who knew what had happened, ordered his daughter
to keep her promise. So the princess picked the frog up gently in her hand,
but, with a shiver of disgust, she let it drop to the ground again. But that
one brief touch was enough to break the spell that bound the frog, and caused
it to turn back into a young and handsome prince he had been before.
The story
ends with the happiest wedding ceremonies.
23. What is the type of the text?
b. descriptive
c. report
d. recount
e. anecdote
24. What is the topic the text above?
a. The princess ball
b. A beautiful princess
c. The princess and the frog
d. The young prince
e. The princess father
25. Paragraph three mainly talks about ……
a. the
frightened princess
b. how
the princess broke her promise
c. what
the princess asked her father
d. why the frog turned back into a handsome
e. what the King ordered
his daughter to do.
Which of the following statement is true
according to the text?
The princess hid at the back of the
The princess tried not to keep her
The frog couldn’t help the beautiful
The frog paid no attention to the
The King asked his daughter to marry the
“All the gold you could wish for!” replied
the princess. (Paragraph 2)
The word replied means ….
a. answered
b. ordered
c. shouted
d. told
e. said
Text 7
I think
federal governments are necessary because they help to keep the economic system
in order; if any problems occur, the federal government will more or less
lighten it out..
I also
think that the state governments aren’t necessary because there are local
governments, which are known as municipalities. There is hardly any use for the
state governments do all the work.
28. The passage above
talks about ….
a. the
lack of federal government
the benefit of state government
c. the similarities of
federal government and state government
d. the difference between
federal government and state government
governmental system of a country
The writer seems to have the …. government.
a. federal
b. republic
c. state
d. communist
e. kingdom
The two paragraphs above are part of a hortatory exposition. They are the
of the
a. point
b. argument
c. recommendation
d. thesis
e. conclusion
31. Rossy: “I did not meet Fikri when I came to his house
Ade : “ Oh, he _____ for Pontianak to see his uncle”.
a. will
b. would leave
c. are leaving
d. is leaving
e. has left
If he studied hard, he _____ his examinations.
a. passes
b. had passed
c. would have passed
d. will pass
e. would pass
If you use a city map, you _____ your way.
a. are not losing
b. have
not lose
c. did not lose
d. will not lose
e. would not lose
My neighbour is well _____ and a very succeesful businessman.
a. educate
b. educative
c. educating
d. education
e. educated
The hall has been _____ decorated for the opening ceremony.
a. beauty
b. beautiful
c. beautifully
d. beautify
e. beautified
36. Harry : I am not well
Rony : What did Harry say to you?
Rudi : She said _____________
a. I am not well today
b. He was not well today
c. He had not been well that day
d. He
is not well today
e. I
was not well today
37. The
strong earthquake caused a lot of _____ to several houses and building in Yogyakarta and central Java.
a. disaster
b. strikes
c. victims
d. advantages
e. damage
38. Although everything
written in newspapers is not always true,
believed to be an important _____ information.
a. force
b. source
c. course
d. torch
e. porch
39.The young beautiful Lady _____ husband is a
journalist is talented teacher.
a. that
b. who
c. whose
d. which
e. whom
40.Lake Maninjau
is one of the famous tourist spots in west Sumatera. The word
famous means _____
a. beautiful
b. wonderful
c. well-known
d. exiting
e. interesting
X : We hope someday our generation can build a temple like Prambanan.
Y : Yes, I hope so.
From the dialogue we know that both of the speakers express their _____
a. desire
b. regret
c. sympathy
d. request
e. axpectation
42. The man _____ was caught breaking into his neighbour’s house
is arrested to
the police station.
a. which
b. whom
c. whose
d. who
e. that
43. The
student’s book were left in the classroom. He came here this morning to
them. Wa can say: The student _____ books were left in the classroom
came here this morning to take them.
a. which
b. whom
c. whose
d. who
e. that
44. Puji : Where is Rizky?
Haris :
He _____ the new good book in the library now.
a. is reading
b. was reading
c. has been reading
d. will be reading
e. would be reading
The hospital _____ his father works has a large building.
a. who
b. when
c. which
d. where
e. whom
“Don’t make noise, students”, the teacher said.
She told the students don’t make noise
She said the students didn’t make noise
She didn’t say the students should make
She told the students not to make noise
She tells the dtudents not to make noise
47. “Where are you from, Frans?”
I asked Frans _____
a. from where is he
b. from which he came
c. from which he came
d. where he came from
e. where did he came from
My sister is very busy in the kitchen. She _____ a cake for my father birthday.
a. prepare
b. will prepare
c. has been preparing
d. is preparing
e. was preparing
49. If I saw you, I would say hello.
It means _____
a. I saw you
b. I don’t see you
c. I had not seen you
d. I didn’t see you
e. I wouldn’t see you
If you want to make a good dress, why don’t you ask him?
He is a good _____
a. theraphyst
b. beautician
c. tailor
d. manicurist
e. barber
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